Your Blueprint for Healing

This is your blueprint for healing – techniques for true healing and balance in body, emotion, mind and spirit.

This video incorporates the teachings of the ascended masters as given by the messengers Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, an internationally recognized author, and spiritual teacher passed into the octaves of light in 2009. For more than 30 years she taught about angels, karma and reincarnation and the mystical paths of the world’s religions. She wrote over 100 books and left a vast body of teaching which continues to be published today.

She held seminars around the world on  “The Lost Arts of Healing” and “The Healing Power of Angels.” Mrs. Prophet taught that we’re not just our physical body. We are a magnificent spiritual being who wears a physical body.

This webinar shares spiritual keys that are simple yet practical. When we apply them we bring healing at deep levels of our being can be used for others, communities, nations and planet. We can then understand why we are hurting physically, mentally and emotionally.

The state of our spirit determines the vibrancy of our health.

Dictation by Archangel Raphael

We invite you to experience Mrs. Prophet’s profound messages from the angels. This is a dictation by Archangel Raphael the Archangel of Healing which he delivered through Mrs. Prophet.

In order to receive a dictation by this Archangel, Mrs Prophet raised her vibration to the level of the Christ and Archangel Raphael spoke to her from that level. The message was then delivered through the Holy Spirit.

As a Messenger for the Angels and Ascended Masters, Mrs. Prophet says, “A dictation is truly a divine happening of which I am but the instrument. It is a gift of the Holy Spirit and not something I can make happen.”

In this dictation Archangel Raphael speaks of the healing of the soul and he places his Healing Thoughtform around those who are present.

You may wish to sit with your arms and legs uncrossed, your hands separated in your lap, your feet flat on the floor and your spine straight. This allows the light to flow freely along your spine and through your chakras, or spiritual centers. In this way you can receive the maximum light.

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